Wednesday 10/28


  1. What metric units do we use for density? Mass? Volume?
  2. Explain what a meniscus is and how it’s used in measuring liquid volume.

Today we finished the mastery quiz. In order to make it up, come see me as it was lab-based.

HW:  none
Reminders: Sign up for science fair by Nov. 6th, Data collected by 11/20, Presentation board due 12/1

Tuesday 10/27


Today we started the density mastery quiz. You will need to see me if you were missing in order to obtain data and finish the lab writeup.

HW:  none
Reminders:  Sign up for science fair by Nov. 6th, Data collected by 11/20, Presentation board due 12/1

Monday 10/26


Today we played a game to review for the density mastery quiz. Here is the powerpoint I used. Please use it to study tonight.

HW:  Study for quiz
Reminders:  Sign up for science fair by Nov. 6th, Data collected by 11/20, Presentation board due 12/1